Monday, August 18, 2008

The craziness of August!!!

Wow, what a few crazy weeks it's been!!! August is always very hectic around here. Both boys have their birthdays and Carson goes back to school!!! Not only is it wild, it's very expensive! LOL! Between presents for both boys, school supplies and school clothes, I spend more in August than I do on Xmas!

Carson started school about 2 weeks ago and so far so good. I am very impressed with his teacher. She seems very on top of things and pretty strict, which I think Carson needs. He is so smart but I think he has gotten away with too much over his last 2 years of school and I'm excited to see how a more stern teacher will influence his behavior. He hasn't gotten into trouble in the past, just talking too much, wonder where he gets that from ?!?! lol
He turned 7 a few days after school started and got a brand new bike! He got a 20 inch bike and compared to his other bike, it seemed so big! I insisted that we get the one with training wheels even though he had been riding the other without for a few months. But when we got home he begged to take them off and to my amazement, he did GREAT! Didnt fall once! I was so proud! He is really growing up!

Trent's 3rd birthday was this past Saturday and he got some cool stuff too! He got a Imaginex Bat Cave and hasnt stopped playing with it. It's like a little house for Batman and the others and it's so much fun watching him use his little imagination while he plays. He puts them in different parts of the place and acts out the things they do! Too cute!

While I'm glad all of the craziness for the month is over, it makes me a little sad too. Another year gone by so fast. Before I know it, I'll be buying cars for these little men of mine! Scary thought!!!!


The Ross' said...

You have some adorable little kiddies!! I love the new family picture~


Katie and Cullen said...

You loser, you said you weren't having a party! You better not have invited many people!! Btw, I need updated b'day lists. The last I heard was "hulk hands" and I don't remember what Trent said, but it was pretty vague - like "Sponge Bob" or something! lol